
Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Snert: Real Dutch Pea Soup

An Authentic Snert: Real Dutch Pea Soup

Snert is made in many different ways. It is an ideal soup to make in large quantities for big gatherings, or to put in a freezer in portions for one or two persons. You know it's well prepared if the spoon stands upright in the middle of the pan. Meat is a very important in dutch meals. Dutch cuisine has a few internationally known highlights and Snert: Pea Soup is one of them. Try this traditinal recipe.

Ingredients For Snert

    authentic snert-real-dutch-pea-soup recipe
    Click Image to Enlarge
  • 500 Gm Split Peas
  • 1 Piece Of Gammon With Bone Or Pork Hock About 500 Gm
  • Spareribs Or Two Pig's Troters
  • 100 Gm Steaky Bacon Or Dutch Sauerkraut Bacon
  • Streaky Pork, Salted But Not Smoked, Preferably With Rind
  • 1 Smoked Sausage
  • 2 Large Onions Chopped
  • 1 Large Carrot
  • 2 Leeks
  • 1 Celeriac
  • 2 Potatoes
  • 1 Bunch Celery
  • Pepper And Salt To Taste
  • 2 Litre Water
  • To Start With,Bread Or Rye Bread

Method To Prepare Snert

snert-real-dutch-pea-soup recipe
Click Image to Enlarge
  1. Rinse the split peas in a sieve under the running tap. Boil peas, gammon and bacon. Skim off the floating scum. Pour out the water, rinse peas (and meat) again and put them back on the fire with clean water.
  2. Mean-while, prepare the vegetables. Cut and rinse them. Add the vegetables to the pan and let them simmer until the peas are done.
  3. Take the meat out of the pan , remove rind and bones, and cut in small pieces. Return the meat to the pan.
  4. Wash the springs of celery and chop or cut the leaves.
  5. Twenty minutes before the end of cooking, and the whole smoked sausage and the celery.
  6. Finish off with pepper and salt.
  7. The pea soup is still fairly liquid. Let it cool completly and reheat it the next day, or freeze in portions. When you want to freeze the soup,add the smoked sausage when reheating , or divide the sausage in equal quantities over the portions. Take care when you reheat the soup to do this very gently and stirring frequently, to prevent a thick balck crust forming on the bottom off the pan. To heat smaller amounts, use the microwave.

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